Male A'renians WHOO HOO!
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This is the page to come to if you like very cute men ^_^
Brief summary guys, guys and more guys! Yay!!

Tyrell Olchania.
Tyrell is one of the first Guys I have designed. I am very pleased with the way he turned out (looks and colour).
He is so adorable and very tasty!! In my opinion anyway ^_^
With his New Zealand accent (kiwi) he makes a very charming gentleman!

Cyrus Dunedain!
Cyrus happens to have the funniest personality in my opinion! In this picture he may look casual and calm, but in actual fact when him and Tyrell get together, he is a total headcase, as well as Tyrell himself!
He is very confident and holds himself with pride! With his charming soft American accent, he is quite a treat and great to talk with.
He is also infact, a total womaniser, but unfortunately he isnt very good at it, and women often run away swiftly! But come here baby! And I'll make it all better!

Ookami Northwind
Please welcome Ookami Northwind! He was a requested picture from one of Chris's friends. He is pretty cute, considering I can't really draw guys to well ^.^

Hakmi Shadowhowl
Hakmi Shadowhowl is the newist male to A'Renian Furries! He was again, another requested picture. I think he turned out great! Sorry bout the distortion O_O

Ettch Shadowfall
Lets all open our arms and welcome Ettch Shadowfall! He was another attractive requested picture. I enjoyed designing and colouring him, not alot is known about this mysterious thief, but there are rumours that he is partners with the mysterious Nikki Racoon.

Something new and tasty coming soon ladies!

Something new and tasty coming soon ladies!