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Nutella Almond
Name: Nutella Almond
Age: 19
Favourite Colour: Dark Purple
Favourite Food: Baked Cherry Pie
Favourite Music: Classical/Orchestral
Brief Background:

Nutella is a Squirrel A'renian from the forest of Dulthain located in the northern region of A'renia, a gentle kind hearted young lady Nutella has always been the girl in class that kept her head in the books and studied hard, even when she began to learn Jeal Kualy Doja (rough translation way of the tiger staff) she always studied harder than anyone else wich is why she became a master at the tender age of 19
Howel Lagre
Name: Howel Lagre
Age: 17
Favourite Colour: Milky Pink
Favourite Food: Strawberry Sundae
Favourite Music: Movie Soundtracks
Brief Background:

Howel is a Cat A'renian from the tropical island of Besalia, a lush paradise of white sands, palm trees and just about anything you can desire, one main attraction to the warm island is the Pools that always remain cold, named "the pools of Ulthwaie" after the god of the Ice Mountains
Howel was always a daydreamer as a young kitten (A'renian cats are called kittens till they reach 12 years of age) and always spent her time staring at the stars at night, even now at the age of 17 she still lays under the stars staring up oneday hoping to meet the man of her dreams
Kind, Warm hearted and gentle are the words that seem to come to mind when talking to Howel, yet the words do her no justice
Angelique Heartkin
Name: Angelique Heartkin
Age: 20
Favourite Colour: Ruby Red
Favourite Food: Cantaloupe Melon
Favourite Music: Soft Rock
Brief Background:

Angelique is the daughter of a Rabbit and a Cat A'renian, her physical appearance shows this with her rabbit ears, yet along with the distinct catlike appearance Angelique heralds more from the Rabbit A'renians, faster, able to jump higher and alot stronger than the Cat, Fox and even Squirrel clans.
Born in the Plains of Dushalia Angelique was raised to be an athlete Angelique has impressed her teacher every tournament by winning the gold for the Sprinting and Sprint Jumping events
Among the many clans of A'renia Angelique can be classed as one of her own, yet deep down she simply wants to be loved not for her abilities but for the woman inside
Grape Arcana
Name: Grape Arcana
Age: 16
Favourite Colour: Soft blue
Favourite Food: Pear Sundae
Favourite Music: Dance
Brief Background:

Grape is a half dragon from the mountains of Valinoria near the Western region of A'renia, being only half dragon she developed her dragon wings yet due to her only being half dragon her wings never developed properly, she has no strength to flap her wings yet not being one for being left behind Grape has managed to make up for her lack of muscle power by discovering she was a naturally nimble and somewhat daring climber, able to scale most rock surfaces as if they were mere staircases Grape has never once feared falling as she can use her wings to Glide softly down if she ever fell, wich as of yet she has never done
Eager to meet new people and twice as eager to please them Grape is one A'renian everyone loves
Cherry Bubblegum
Name: Cherry Bubblegum
Age: 17
Favourite Colour: Milky White
Favourite Food: Spicy Chicken Wings
Favourite Music: Techno Rock
Brief Background:

Cherry is a half dragon from the Eastern Shores of Sulya, orphaned at an early age Cherry has never discovered what her parents were, the only obvious traits are her Dragon tail similar to those of the thought extinct A'renian Nephya wich were a race of Dragons capable of manipulating fire with their will
raised by the Priestesses of the temple of Shovya Cherry soon became a Priestess in training at the age of 7, when she reached 10 she was a full Priestess trained in the ways of Kalya Shova (rough translation Flaming Fists) by the age of 13 Cherry had become the youngest Priestess to have reached the level of Shovakor, by the age of 17 she had become the youngest master of the Fighting style and well respected by other Priestessess
deep down Cherry is searching her own soul for hints of her heritage and every night offering prayer to Mephyala the Female goddess of Rememberance

Suzie Kanya
Name: Suzie Kanya
Age: Unknown
Favourite Color: Black
Favourite Food: Apple Pie
Favourite music: No Preferences
Brief Bio:

Not much is known about Suzie, her birth place, age and hometown are all a mystery to everyone apart from herself, being a Chinchilla Suzie has developed some more athletic abilities for example, long jumping and wall running are a speciality for her as well as wall flipping and climbing
her only true vice however is her ability to sometimes sleep in till 5PM when she is due up at 8am as Chinchillas are prone to doing
Nikki Raccoon
Name: Nikki Raccoon
Age: Unknown
Favourite Colour: Deep Grey
Favourite Food: Sugar Pie
Favourite Music: Differs
Brief Bio:

Not much is known about Nikki, she was found on the outskirts of Milanchia Temple at a young age, her parents were nowhere to be seen, the Priestesses feeling sorry for the young girl took her into the temple to keep her safe from harm only to awaken the next day and discover she had vanished as had some of the jewels from the altar
over the years a few people have mentioned seeing a black cloaked figure skulking around the villages, yet nowhere in Nikki's village of Dualchia has been burgled......... yet